Sunday, November 22, 2009

Reflection on My Hanoi Experiential Learning - Onesia

My first impression of Hanoi was that it is a undeveloped country and has only some basic facilities available. I thought that Hanoi was like the olden days of Singapore whereby it is still undeveloped and there are many forested areas around. However, my impression of Hanoi has changed after spending 4 days there. Although Hanoi is not a developed country, but it is a developing country. You can find shops and houses along the roads. They even have shopping centers and a university there.
During my days in Hanoi, i experienced many different things. Some of these experiences are so memorable that i would not forget for the rest of my life. One of it is the visit to the Hilton Prison. At Hilton Prison, you can see how cruel the french were as they tortured the prisoners by giving them little food and water. They even locked them up in a room, and chained their legs. The room is often overcrowded. The second memorable experience is the visit to Ha Long Bay. At Ha Long Bay, there are many different formation of rocks. They are formed by continuation erosional processes. We also get to visit the Dau Go Cave; It was a magnificent sight. There are many rock structures that are formed over thousands of years. Another memorable experience is the visit to Agent Orange Orphanage. Most of the children there are victims of the agent orange. I think that they are very pitiful as they had to suffer alot because of the vietnam war.
I think that i'm very lucky to be a Singaporean as i do not need to go through wars and hardships like the vietnamese people. I learnt that i have to cherish what i have now and not to take it for granted.
Overall, this trip to Hanoi has been a fruitful trip. It had widen my knowledge of Hanoi.
Last but not least, i wish to thank all the teachers who accompanied us to this trip to Vietnam. I hope i can get to visit Vietnam again.

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