I remembered our first road crossing in Vietnam. There were lots of vehicles on the road especially the scooters. There were traffic lights however it seemed to be ignored by most motorist. People can just cross the roads without waiting for the traffic lights . It was thrilling but is dangerous. As there were so many vehicles zooming past at one go.
The Hilton prison had left a deep impression on me.We saw how the prisoners suffers during the 19th century where Vietnam was colonized by the French.During those times, life was hard and people in Vietnam went through lots of torture and suffering.
Another memorable experience is the trip to the Dau go caves which is the limestone caves. The caves was very huge and beautiful. It was my first visit to a cave and having the chance to see these rocks which are formed due to the erosional processes, it is quite amazing as the rocks somehow forms into an animal .

Our last day trip in Hanoi, we went to visit the orphanage whereby some are agent orange victims.They seemed to be quite normal just like all of us here however, we do not know their history and what they had went through. It was quite sad seeing those little kids in agony while doing their physiotherapy. While watching them doing the hand embroidery , they looks extremely serious and they really put in their efforts to do their piece of work well.I think we should learn the good spirits that they have put in and we can applied them in our daily lives .
I learnt the lifestyle of people in Vietnam and it tells me that we are more fortunate than others and we should learn to treasure what we have and made no complaints as there are many others who are less fortunate and need more than what we have now.Another things that i have learn is as a student of Singapore,we should be thankful and grateful for the good education and facilities here. Not all people have the chance to study therefore it prompt us to treasure what we have in Singapore.Lastly,I have also learnt about the country developments. As we were being told, there were 36 streets with 36 different trades in the ancient quarters.However, as a country keep developing, some of these trades will slowly disappear as it will be replace by some of the modern trades such as hotels , cafe and restaurant.The trade in the olden days will remain unknown to the younger generations if they are left untold. Hence, result in disadvantages whereby the younger generation are not being able to learn about the past trade and experience it by themselves .Similarly, deforestation also cause a negative impact where it post a great harm to the environment . After deforestation, there will be less trees or no trees at all thus it will result in soil erosion which cause great damages especially to the roads near it which will cause a massive impact.Hence affecting the people living around there.This shows that there is a chain cycle whereby one things can led to many other obstruction hence, what we do will make an impact on others .We should always think twice before making a decision in our daily life such as wasting food and become picky ,etc. With these I hope all of us have learn to treasure more and have enjoyed the trip to Hanoi.
Lastly, I thank all the teachers who have accompanied us in this wonderful and memorable trip.
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