Helloooo people,
The temple of Literature.
The temple of literature was built in 1070 to dedicate to Confucius by the vietnamese ruler. Confucism was widely praticed by the royal family then.
The vietnamese social system had been largely influenced by confucian teachings for almost a 1000 years and now it has embedded into the current Vietnamese lifestyle such as family values, respect of elderlys etc.
In 1076, the Temple of literature was converted into a national university. This shows that ancient Vietnamese society also valued the importance of education. Maybe this explains why the current literact rate of vietnam is 95% which is impressive for a developing country.
Names of scholars who achieved doctorate are carved on this rock.
The government at that time was also very advanced in having tertiary education. Moreover , the valued academic excellence which was refelcted on the tablet found at the temple. Scholars who recieved a doctorate would have their name carved on the tablet. This served as a source of motivation for others to excel. In fact, only 1300 scholars recieved doctorate over 300 years.As you can see education is very important to the Vietnam. Currently, the vietnamese attend 5years primary school, 4 years secondary school and 3 years high school. To get into the university, the are required to a national examination. Our government also helped in the development of Vietnam by offering ASEAN scholarships without bonds to many bright Vietnamese. As such, this would enhance our bilateral relationship.
Yanheng. Hui Fang, Helina, Onesia & Wee Bee.
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